Sunday, 20 November 2011

@Tom Beg & Phil

@ Phil: When exactly is the extra session with Photoshop-Phil again? I'd like to try and get my first final piece re-drawn.

@Tom Beg: Are we good for a session on Monday 21st at 10 like last week?


  1. Hey Tom the photshop session for our group (A) is at 10am, group (B) is 2pm

  2. Tom - if you need to see Tom Beg in the morning, then just swap groups - I'm a bit concerned Tom, that you're not plugging into the group blog adequately - as that is where info like the groups for the extra session can be found. Can you please make a habit of staying in touch with the communal resources (and the creative community of which you're part) - there's so much help/info/inspiration already available to you, Tom!

  3. I'm not sure how to actually post in the group blog is why. :(
    I can't seem to find the 'Post Reply' or 'Post Comment' button anywhere.
