Nowadays we see films based around the theme of ‘nature verses mankind’ as disaster movies such as ‘28 Days Later’ and ‘2012’, but little do most of us know that the original forerunner of such movies and indeed almost the entirety of the ‘revenge of nature’ genre spurned from a movie with a most peculiar idea of nature unleashing its wrath on humanity. ‘The Birds’ (1963) by Alfred Hitchcock is a somewhat stranger film, a different genre from the director’s psycho-thrillers. This film was one of the seeds that made disaster movies popular today.
The film opens up with our icy-blonde main character, Melanie Daniels, played by Tippi Hedren, who meets with a young lawyer, Mitch Brenner, played by Rod Taylor, apparently looking for a pair of lovebirds for his daughter for her birthday. He asks her where he can find a pair, pretending to mistake her for a staff member in the shop. After an argument, she buys a pair of lovebirds to give to his daughter herself out of spite. After sneaking away from his home in a boat after delivering the birds, she is attacked by a gull, one of the first attacks to happen throughout the movie. She then meets Mitch’s mother who is clinging to her son’s company, lest she be left on her lonesome. In a way, this is almost the intended opposite of how birds take care of their young; as soon as they can fly, they’re fit to leave the nest and fend for themselves. This may be the film’s way of telling us how different we are from nature; a direct contrast of nature verses nurture. Like with most of Hitchcock’s films, he doesn’t present the concept of family and homely places in a friendly light. Instead, it’s an awkward, skewed vision of what we perceive them to be. summarizes this is their review of the film:
“The birds attack the most ordinary institution (school), but also most sacred ones (Cathy’s birthday party) Moreover, the Brenners become imprisoned in their own house. The house, a symbol of shelter and protection, becomes the birds’ target. The traditional meaning of other symbols is shattered and/or reversed.” (, <no date>)
The bird attacks continue as a flock of gulls attacks the children at Mitch’s daughter’s birthday party and a gull commits martyrdom, killing itself upon impact upon the door of the school teacher, Annie, where Melanie stays for the night. An enormous flock of sparrows swarm down the chimney of the Brenner’s residence and invade their home. Throughout the film, these birds seem to symbolize the wrath of women: most of these bird attacks happen when Melanie is around or when the main victim or spectator is a woman. The constant theme of women’s red fingernails can be compared to the blood-stained beaks of birds and both can be used as ‘weapons’ of sorts by vicious women and birds to leave scars.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
What this quote tells us is that even the safest place, according to Hitchcock, can be a place of danger and death, that we are never safe in this world even from nature We could fall down a hill and scrape our knee, get bitten by small mammals and injure ourselves on rock formations. This film personifies that a hundredfold in the form of living, breathing mother nature incarnate within swarms of angry, bloodthirsty birds.
After the attack, we see the villagers cowering in a secluded hallway as Melanie approaches them to see their horrified and frightened faces. Their piercing, hostile stares towards her indicate that they know that she is the cause.
After the final confrontation at the Brenner estate, now boarded up by windows and make-shift barricades, the family escapes, wading through a sea of subsided birds waiting to attack again to get to their car. The ending gives us no closure as they drive off over the hill, leaving the swarms of birds behind. This lack of closure unnerves the audience, keeping us at the edge of our seats.
Hitchcock uses a number of frightful and innovative narratives to make this film not only a flick about the revenge of nature, but also about what hostilities lurk within our everyday lives.
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